Dhami Fitness

Maximize Your Potential: Benefits of Personal Training

Embark on a transformative fitness voyage fueled by the dynamic prowess of personal

June 26, 2021|Training One of the most common questions I encounter almost every

Stretching before a workout is considered a must to properly warm up the

People who start exercising to lose weight prefer cardio over resistance training. No

Does Insulin Really Make You Fat?

Some “experts” believe that insulin is a harmful hormone that leads to weight gain and type 2 diabetes. They claim that consuming carbohydrates triggers insulin production, causing adverse effects on our bodies. But do these claims hold up? Is it logical for our bodies to have a harmful response to carbohydrate intake? Let’s explore this topic further.Some “experts” believe that insulin is a harmful hormone that leads to weight gain and type 2 diabetes. They claim that consuming carbohydrates triggers insulin production, causing adverse effects on our bodies. But do these claims hold up? Is it logical for our bodies to have a harmful response to carbohydrate intake? Let’s explore this topic further.

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